Nominations for the 2024 Executive Committee
Attention all IPMS(UK) Members
The following roles on the Executive Committee are due for re-election in 2024:
- President
- Honorary Secretary
- Membership Secretary
- Publicity Officer
- Competition Secretary
- Webmaster
- Scale ModelWorld Manager
Under the Articles of Association of the Society any nomination for a position on the Executive Committee must be delivered to the Honorary Secretary before the end of the previous year. This means if you are willing to be nominated for any of the vacant roles for 2024, you need to get a completed nomination form to me by 31st December 2023. Click here to download a Nomination Form
There are criteria for being eligible for a role on the Executive Committee, and details of these can be obtained from either myself or the officer currently in post. So, if you are keen to serve on the committee and wish to know more, please email me at
Tony Horton
Honorary Secretary